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Trip Requests Out Of Regular Service Area

Pets/Service Animals:

No Scent/Odour

Infants & Toddlers On The Bus

Late Cancellation & No-Show Policy

Digital Recording Surveillance System Usage Policy & Procedures

Visitor Policy:

Accessibility Policies for Kingston Access Services

Parcels, bags, groceries, etc

Private Residences & Driveways /           Stairs & Ramps

Passenger Code Of Conduct

NSF cheque policy


Trip Requests Out Of Regular Service Area

Kingston Access Bus provides service to the entire geographic area of Kingston, including the rural areas.  As the City of Kingston is the only municipality which provides funding to Kingston Access Services, we are not required to accommodate any requests originating from or going outside our service area.

In order provide availability of trips within the City of Kingston, effective January 1, 2019 all trips originating from or travelling outside the City of Kingston limits will require the bus to be chartered. If you have a trip outside the City of Kingston limits, we suggest you contact Modern City Taxi or Amey’s Taxi as they have accessible taxis, which can be considerably more cost effective than chartering one of our buses (chartering a Kingston Access Bus starts at $94/hour, minimum charges apply).

Pets/Service Animals:

Pets are not permitted unless being transported directly to/from a veterinary clinic.

Passengers who have "service animals" must complete a "Service Animal Registration Form". Contact Kingston Access Services to obtain a copy of the form.

No Scent/Odour

No Scent

Many people experience serious health issues such as allergic reactions, asthmatic episodes, and headaches from even limited exposure to scented products.

Thus all passengers are to refrain from wearing cologne, perfume, scented personal care products such as body lotions, sprays, and powders, scented deodorant and hair care products, and aftershave lotions prior to and during transit on Kingston Access Bus vehicles.

Passengers who fail to adhere to this policy may be subject to actions up to and including suspension from using Kingston Access Bus. 

No Odour

All passengers are to maintain proper hygiene including:

  • No offensive odours; and

  • Ensuring all clothing and/or mobility devices are clean and hygenic.

Passengers who fail to adhere to this may be subject to actions up to and including suspension from using Kingston Access Bus. 

Infants & Toddlers On The Bus


Infants are defined (as per the Highway Traffic Act) as any passenger under 8 years of age who weighs less than 9 kilograms (20 pounds).  Infants may travel on Kingston Access Services vehicles provided:

  1. The passenger provides a child restraint system, designed for the appropriate weight class and conforms to the requirements of Standard 213.1 under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Canada);

  2. Has all harnesses, straps and buckles designed to secure the infant in the child restraint system, properly adjusted and securely fastened;

  3. The passenger (or a person acting on behalf of the passenger) installs the child restraint system, fastened securely with a seat belt to a passenger seat.  Note: Drivers will not assist with the installation of the child restraint system.

  4. Infants will not be transported in strollers. 


Toddlers are defined (as per the Highway Traffic Act) as any passenger under 8 years of age who weighs more than 9 kilograms or 20 pounds but less than 18 kilograms (40 pounds).  Toddlers may travel on Kingston Access Services vehicles provided:

  1. They are securely seat belted to a passenger seat; or

  2. In a wheel chair; or

  3. Placed in a booster seat:

    • Provided by and installed by the passenger (or a person acting on behalf of the passenger), which conforms to the requirements of Standard 213.2 under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Canada);

    • Has all harnesses, straps and buckles designed to secure the infant in the booster seat system, properly adjusted and securely fastened;

    • Is fastened securely with a seat belt to a passenger seat


  • Drivers are not to carry infants or toddlers. 

  • At the time of booking, passengers are to inform of having a toddler or infant accompany them to ensure proper seating is available.

  • Kingston Access Services Operators will secure empty strollers.                 

Late Cancellation & No Show Policy

Approved by KAS Board of Directors: December 14, 2011

Revision Approval Date: January 22, 2020


Demand for specialized transit services in Kingston has increased by over 45% since 2012. Providing a high level of trip availability and fulfillment within the funding provided through passenger fare revenue and the City of Kingston is a priority of Kingston Access Services (KAS) that benefits our passengers and the community as a whole.

Passengers play a key role in ensuring trip availability. No-shows and excessive cancellations, particularly when they are received with limited notice have a direct impact on the effectiveness of Kingston Access Services (KAS) to meet the needs of our 4,000+ registered passengers.

We recognize that there may be circumstances out of the control of passengers that contribute to occasional no-shows or late cancellations; thus, our policy is not zero tolerance, and provides progressive warnings prior to suspension of service. Each passenger is responsible for maintaining acceptable levels of no-shows or late cancellations. KAS’s policy on no-shows and cancellations is based on the agreed upon late cancellation policy between the City of Hamilton and the Ontario Human Rights Commission.


Completed Trip: A trip where the passenger was transported as scheduled.

Late Cancellations: A trip cancelled by a passenger after 7pm the day immediately preceding the trip.

No-show: When a passenger fails to show for a scheduled trip at the scheduled pick-up location. This includes the passenger cancelling the bus after the driver has arrived at the pick-up location.

Pick-up window: Passengers are required to be ready 5 minutes before their scheduled time as the KAS vehicle may arrive at a pickup point up to five (5) minutes before or after the scheduled pickup time (for example a bus booked for 2:00pm will be scheduled to arrive between 1:55 and 2:05pm). When a passenger is not at the designated pickup area, drivers will wait five (5) minutes from the time of arrival, upon which they will depart.

Unmet Trip: Trip requests that cannot be accommodated by KAS due to no availability as a result of previously booked passenger trips at the requested time. KAS maintains a “wait list” in the event a trip becomes available due to passenger cancellations.


In 2019 there were 3,740 unmet trip requests. For the same 12-month period in 2019, passengers cancelled 10,482 trips on the day of the trip or were a no-show for their scheduled bus. This provides limited opportunity for KAS to coordinate trips for other passengers who requested trips at those times with no availability, and/or results in wasteful used of KAS resources (e.g. fuel). Many of the unmet trip requests could have been accommodated had passengers provided more notice of needing to cancel their trip or had reduced their overall number of cancellations.


This policy applies to any Kingston Access Services passenger who exceeds one or more of the following conditions in a calendar month:

1. Maximum 8 combined late cancellations and no-shows

2. Maximum 3 no-shows

This revised policy will become effective April 1st, 2020.

  • Late cancellations and no-shows are recorded on a single one-way trip basis.

  • When a passenger is a no-show, all subsequent trips for that day are automatically cancelled, and recorded as late cancellations. For example: If you have 3 trips booked in a day and no-show your first trip, the remaining trips for that day are cancelled. This results in 1 no-show and 2 late cancellations for that day.

  • Passengers whose trips have been cancelled following a no-show can contact our office to inquire if the cancelled trip(s) can be re-instated. Trips which cannot be re-instated are still considered late cancellations.


1. After exceeding the policy conditions for the first time in a calendar month period, an initial advisory letter will be issued outlining this policy, and informing the passenger (or their registered guardian) of further progressive action that might be undertaken.

2. Upon exceeding the policy conditions within a 6-month period from the date of the initial advisory letter, Kingston Access Services will send a registered letter to the passenger or guardian of the passenger of further progressive actions that may be undertaken.

3. Upon exceeding the policy conditions within a 6-month period from the date of the second infraction the passenger or guardian of the passenger will be sent a registered letter informing of a 7-day suspension of services.

4. Any further infractions within a 6-month period from the date of the third infraction will result in a 7-day suspension of services. When a passenger has no violations for a consecutive 6-month period, their record is reset and the next subsequent violation, if any, will be treated as a first violation as per the above.

F. Exceptions:

Late cancellations due to inclement weather on days when school buses are cancelled in the City of Kingston or inclement weather on non-school days at the discretion of the Executive Director shall constitute an exception to the policy and not be factored into determining if a passenger has exceeded this policy. Please note: no-shows on inclement weather days do count towards the policy.

No-shows by passengers where KAS arrived at an incorrect time, or outside of the pick-up window, or where KAS was at the wrong location are not considered violations of this policy by the passenger. Should a question arise regarding the scheduled time of a trip, the arrival time of the vehicle, or the location of a Kingston Access Services vehicle, the following technology may be used:

  • All KAS vehicles are equipped with “Automatic Vehicle Locators” (AVL) which updates the exact location of vehicles at all times. AVL technology is accurate to 15 seconds and 3 metres (10 feet). AVL technology will be utilized to confirm exact arrival, departure, and location of KAS vehicles.

  • All inbound/outbound phone calls to Kingston Access Services are recorded and will be used should there be question regarding a passenger’s booked time, pick-up location, or time of cancellation.

  • On-board video surveillance technology which can be utilized to confirm vehicle location. For more information on Kingston Access Services Video Surveillance policy please go to Kingston Access Services website.

All Kingston Access Services passengers must adhere to this policy. KAS is not permitted by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) or Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) to make allowances for:

  • The number of disabilities/medical conditions of a passenger.

  • The severity of disabilities/medical conditions of a passenger.

  • The length of time a passenger has been registered with Kingston Access Services.

  • The availability of a person to call on behalf of the passenger to cancel buses.


For policy violations resulting in suspension of service, the passenger may appeal in writing to the Kingston Access Services Board of Directors at:

Kingston Access Servicess
Attn: Board of Directorss
751 Dalton Avenues
Kingston, Ontario K7M 8N6s

Or e-mail to

The appeal must provide specific details regarding any disputed late cancellations/no-shows. Appeals must be received within 14 days of the mailing of the suspension letter.

Upon receipt of the notice of appeal, the President of Kingston Access Services Board of Directors shall appoint forthwith a 3 person panel to review the appeal. From the time the appeal is received by Kingston Access Services until a decision by the Appeal Panel is issued, the passenger will continue to have access to services.

The Appeal panel will review:

a) Active letters on record to the passenger regarding exceeding this policy;

b) Information submitted by the passenger regarding disputed violations of this policy;

c) Supporting documentation and records from the Executive Director regarding disputed violations of this policy.

Upon reaching a decision, the Appeal Panel will respond to the appellant with information on their decision.


Passengers who engage in frivolous appeals may be subject to actions up to and including suspension of service.


I. Purpose

The installation of Digital Recording Surveillance Systems in vehicles operated by Kingston Access Services (KAS) is meant to assist in the collection of information related to the safety and security of employees, passengers, property, and to assist with the investigation of unlawful activities, accidents, claims or potential claims involving Kingston Access Services, including investigations into inappropriate behaviour which potentially violates KAS policies.  All Digital Recording Surveillance Systems include both video and audio. 

Kingston Access Services recognizes the need to balance the right to privacy of individuals whose images and voice are captured on digital recordings made by the digital recording surveillance system with the need to provide for the safety and security of employees, customers and property, to detect and deter unlawful and/or inappropriate behaviour/actions and to assist with Internal Investigations.

Buses equipped with digital recording surveillance systems display a written notice informing customers of the use of this equipment consistent with Section 29 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

II. Definitions

“Authorized Personnel” means Management and those Kingston Access Services supervisors directed by Management to gain access to Digital Recording Camera Devices and to undertake one or more of the following functions: to retrieve, download, view, secure, copy and distribute Digital Recordings.

“Digital Recording Surveillance System” means audio/visual surveillance equipment capable of recording images and sound in a digital format used on buses.

“Digital Recording(s)” means the data (audio and video) created and stored as a result of the use of

Digital Recording Surveillance System.

 “MFIPPA” means Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

“Internal Investigation” means an investigation undertaken by Kingston Access Services.

III. Scope of Use

The following are guidelines recognizing that any use of Digital Recordings must not be inconsistent with existing employment policies and agreements and not contrary to law including privacy legislation.

a) Kingston Access Services installs Digital Recording Surveillance Systems and uses the Digital Recordings generated by this equipment to:

  1. enhance the safety and security of employees and passengers;

  2. assist Law Enforcement in conducting investigations of breaches of law;

  3. safeguard KAS assets, by assisting in efforts to reduce vandalism and protect against the theft and/or destruction of property;

  4. investigate and evaluate claims that may be or have been made against KAS, including potential or actual claims in respect of incidents;

  5. assist KAS in substantiating and making claims against others including passengers;

  6. limit loss due to fraud, theft or breaches of operational procedures and/or policies;

  7. investigate and evaluate claims by passengers while being transported on KAS vehicles;

  8. investigate and confirm location of vehicles, and/or passenger no-shows;

b) Kingston Access Services did not install the Digital Recording Surveillance System and use related digital recordings to:

  1. monitor the work performance of an employee in real-time, or monitor the conduct or behaviour on the part of an employee or passenger, unless a digital recording is being viewed as part of an Internal Investigation that is triggered by an event or complaint giving rise to an investigation;

  2. cause the release of a digital recording or part thereof except as required under MFIPPA, legal requirements and/or case law. Such release is to be authorized by the Executive Director or designate; or

  3. use the records in a manner that violates the legislated privacy rights of the individuals depicted in the digital recording. All use of records will be in accordance with the foregoing, sections 1. 


IV. Installation and Notice of Digital Recording Surveillance Systems

Digital Recording Surveillance Systems that are permanently installed in Kingston Access Services vehicles are placed in overt locations.  Signage notifying the public of the presence of video recording systems will be present on all vehicles in a prominent location, so as to provide the public with reasonable and adequate notice that video recording is in operation, and contact information should they have any questions about such.  In addition, policies regarding digital recording are available to the public through the KAS website.

V. Procedures for Securing, Retaining, and Disseminating Digital Recordings

Images captured by the Digital Recording Cameras are retained by the on-board memory device for up to 30 days (dependent upon amount of use of bus) and then automatically recorded over.

Securing Images

The retrieval of Digital Recordings from the on-board recording devices is triggered by an occurrence listed in “Section III: Scope of use, part 1.  Only the Executive Director or authorized personnel who are qualified Kingston Access Services staff and so designated by the Executive Director are permitted to perform digital recording retrieval and downloading. A list of qualified staff will be kept indicating the dates of training of each authorized staff. 

Retaining Images

Investigation files containing a copy of the incident download and a copy of the incident occurrence documents will be kept by KAS Management as is required by Kingston Access Services for documentation/investigation/resolution/adjudication, or as required by law.

Training and Authorization of designated Personnel

All personnel who fulfill a role as designated above shall have training prior to performing related duties. The training will address this policy, Kingston Access Services Privacy policy, the specific expectations of the individual and the consequences of failing to meet these expectations (noting the consequences include corrective action and disciplinary measures).

VI. Dissemination/Disclosure of Digital Recordings

If Law Enforcement officials request a copy of the digital recording as part of an investigation, a copy will be made by Kingston Access Services, and that will be turned over to the investigating Police service as soon as possible. 

Requests by Law Enforcement Officials for accidents/incidents which Kingston Access Services vehicles or employees were not directly involved with, must be in writing, either by means of written or emailed requests, with such written requests containing the following information:

  • date and approximate time of incident giving rise to the request;

  •  bus and route number if possible;

  • location(s) of incident;

  • description of issue, suspect, vehicle, etc. being sought;

  • officer badge number (person making the request);

  • occurrence number.

Further, KAS, in its recording, shall document the copy of the disk being turned over, the release date and time, and the name of the employee who released the disk.  If at any time there is unintended or improper disclosure of personal information contained in Digital Recordings, Management will immediately notify the Executive Director who will undertake such remedial action as he deems appropriate.

Only an authorized maintenance contractor, as approved by the Executive Director, will be given access to effect repairs, conduct routine maintenance, and provide for hardware replacement or address warranty issues. All site visits will be scheduled through Management. All replaced hard drives will be returned to Management for disposal.

Employees who are not authorized personnel shall not have access to Camera Recording Devices or Digital Recordings made by this equipment without first receiving the approval of the Executive Director, or designate.

The digital recording cameras and digital recordings generated by said equipment are the property of Kingston Access Services.  Kingston Access Services retains custody and control of all Digital Recordings not provided to law enforcement.  Any recordings provided to law enforcement where the recordings depict passengers or members of the public not directly involved in the incident prompting viewing of Digital Recordings, the recordings of faces will be pixilated.  

Digital recordings may also be subject to disclosure to third parties in accordance with legal requirements including common law.

Use of Individual’s “Still” Pictures

As the result of an investigation for which the Executive Director has authorized release of digital recordings, from time to time it may be necessary to use an excerpted “still picture” of an individual. The two circumstances foreseen in which this may be necessary are:

1. Use of still picture to assist in contacting potential witnesses or participants to the event being investigated.   In order to assist KAS to contact potential witnesses or individuals involved in the situation under investigation, the use of still pictures may be required;

2. Banning Notices- To be effective, the banning procedure requires a photograph in order to communicate the subject of the ban to KAS staff.  Typically, individuals are banned for conduct which is violent, harassing, or unsafe towards KAS employees or other KAS passengers.  The legislative authority to use still pictures for these purposes is either explicit or implicit in the governing legislation (Occupational Health and Safety Act, Ontario Human Rights Code). 

VII. Contested Planned or Actual Use of Digital Recordings

Individuals, whose image and/or voice are viewed under this policy by Kingston Access Services, have the right to an explanation upon request as to why the image/voice is being used.  All inquires are to be made to the Executive Director.  If after receiving the explanation, if the individual is not satisfied with the response, he or she may lodge a complaint with the Board of Directors. The complaint will outline the records in question, their use, and the reason that the Executive Director’s response is unsatisfactory. The Board of Directors will respond in writing to such complaints, conducting such investigation and analysis as the Board deems appropriate.

Visitor Policy

Individuals with disabilities who visit Kingston may use Kingston Access Bus service for 14 days each calendar year. Individuals must be registered with a specialized transit provider where you live OR meet KAB eligibility criteria (please note that an assessment may be required). Please call Kingston Access Services in advance of your visit at (613) 542-2512 to set up this temporary service. Persons requiring service for periods in excess of 14 days per calendar year MUST register with Kingston Access Services. All visitor trips utilizing KAB services must be within City of Kingston limits.

Accessibility Policies for Kingston Access Services

Kingston Access Services (KAS) is committed to improving accessibility. We will put the following policies into practice as required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.


KAS is committed to training staff on Ontario’s accessibility laws and on accessibility aspects of the Human Rights Code that apply to persons with disabilities. Training will be provided in a way that best suits the duties of employees, volunteers and other staff members.

Information and communications

KAS is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. When asked, we will provide information and communications materials in accessible formats or with communication supports. This includes publicly available information about our goods, services and facilities, as well as publicly available emergency information.


Kingston Access Services welcomes and encourages applications from people with disabilities. Accommodations are available on request for candidates taking part in all aspects of the selection process. Kingston Access Services is committed to ensuring that workplace information for employees is made available in an accessible format if required and requested. This may include any information that you need to perform your job (eg. job descriptions), and general information that is available to all employees (eg. company information, health & safety information, etc). Should you require information in an accessible format, please inform the Executive Director so that accommodations can be made for such.

Parcels, bags, groceries, etc

Passengers may bring items on the bus which they can: 

a. Carry on/off/to/from the bus themselves.  Please note:

  • Drivers are not required to carry items on/off the bus or to/from the bus. 

  • In order to not inconvenience other passengers, we do not have time for passengers to make multiple trips on/off the bus with their personal items;


b. Safely secure in their immediate possession during transportation.  Items cannot be left on the floor during transportation.  

KAB does permit passengers to bring "bundle buggies" on the vehicle.  Please note:

  • As these are not designed for transportation KAB is not responsible for any damage to the cart or contents;

  • Maximum size cannot exceed 28 inches wide by 28 incnes long;

  • Drivers are not responsible for getting the cart to/from the bus; 

  • All items must be inside the cart, and not hanging off the sides;

  • The bundle buggie must be secured by the wheelchair restraints during transit (the passenger cannot hold on to it during transportation).   

Private Residences & Driveways/Stairs & Ramps/etc

Passengers and/or those responsible for passengers must ensure pick-up and drop-off of passengers can be done in a safe manner for driver, vehicle, and passengers.  

Private Driveways:

At most private residences in the urban part of the City of Kingston our vehicle will not enter the driveway.  Pick-up and drop-off will typically be done at the end of the driveway from the road.  

As in the rural areas driveways tend to be significantly longer, our vehicles will enter the driveway under the following provisions:

  • There must be sufficient room for our vehicle to turn around (reminder our vehicles are 25 feet long).  

  • If there is not sufficient room to turn around in the driveway, it is at the sole discretion of Kingston Access Services whether we will back in the driveway from the road based on the width and length of the driveway. 

  • All driveways MUST be kept free of obstructions including tree branches.

  • There must be sufficient room and a solid landing area to deploy the lift and maneuver the passenger on/off the lift.  

  • Kingston Access Services is not responsible for damage to private property.

If the above conditions cannot be met, pick-up and drop-off will be from the road.  The driver is not required to assist passengers to/from the bus in this situation.  ​

Personal Hydraulic Lifts:

Drivers are not required to operate personal hydraulic lifts at private residences.  KAS is not responsible for any damage to personal hydraulic lifts if the driver does choose to operate it on behalf of the passenger.  

Snow/Ice/Unsafe Conditions:

It is the responsibility of the passenger to ensure that laneways, driveways, ramps, stairs, etc. of residences  are maintained in safe condition, including being clear of snow/ice.  Drivers have the right to refuse if unsafe conditions are present.  Passengers must ensure safe conditions for return trips later in the day as well.  Failure to do so may result in transportation being denied. 


  • Drivers will assist ambulatory passengers up/down a reasonable number of exterior stairs at private residences.  The passenger must be able to do so with minimal assistance.  

  • Drivers will assist manual wheelchairs up/down one step provided it can be done safely and without risk of injury. Drivers are not required to carry wheelchairs or scooters up or down stairs on behalf of the passenger. 

  • Ramps must be in safe condition, and of a reasonable slope (Ontario building code is a maximum gradient of 1 in 12). 

Assisting Passengers To Transfer To A Different Mobility Device

Drivers are not required to assist passengers who elect to transfer from one mobility device to another.  

Entrance Location

Drivers are to maintain sightlines of their vehicle.  They are not required to assist passengers to/from entrances which are out of sight of their vehicle. 

Assistance To/From the Vehicle: 

The slope of any driveway, walkway, stairs, ramp, etc. must not present an unsafe condition for our driver, vehicle, or passenger.  

Passenger Code of Conduct

A)Policy Statement:

Kingston Access Services will endeavour to provide a safe and respectful environment, while ensuring our passengers and staff experience a culture of respect, dignity and safety.  This policy is to:

  • Protect the integrity Kingston Access Services;

  • Define the rules and guidelines surrounding appropriate behaviour and use of Kingston Access Services by all persons interacting with or travelling on Kingston Access Services;

  • Authorizes immediate action if the safe and respectful environment is jeopardized in any way.

B) Scope:

This policy applies to all persons:

  • Travelling on Kingston Access Services vehicles;

  • Visitors to Kingston Access Services property;

  • Interacting with Kingston Access Services employees via e-mail, telephone, or in-person;

be they a passenger; or a guest/attendant/support person of a passenger; or a person acting on behalf of a passenger.  Passengers are subject to actions up to and including permanent suspension of services based on violations of this policy by any guest/attendant/support person of a passenger, or a person acting on behalf of the passenger.

C) Inappropriate conduct:

Examples of conduct that may result in actions by Kingston Access Services up to and including “refusal to provide service” include but are not limited to the following:

  • Disrupting other passengers, or the vehicle operator in particular when driving the vehicle; 

  • Engaging in any conduct or activity that represents a danger to themselves, to other passengers, or to the vehicle operator;

  • Making physical or verbal threats to other passengers, or any Kingston Access Services employee;

  • Damaging or destroying vehicle equipment, or any employee’s or passenger’s property;

  • Smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages, or any illegal substance while on board a Kingston Access Services vehicle;

  • Communicating with or engaging with Kingston Access Services staff, other passengers, or members of the public in a manner that is harassing conduct either by behaviour or comment that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome or offensive on the grounds of race, gender, disability, religion, or sexual orientation or any other prohibited grounds of discrimination as per the Ontario Human Rights Code e.g. disrespectful, abusive, or offensive language such as yelling, using profanity, name calling, abusive language,  discriminatory or racist slurs or jokes, obscene or offensive gestures directed towards other passengers or any Kingston Access Services employee.

  • Personal Hygiene condition resulting in a public health concern, or exhibiting a hygiene condition that unreasonably interferes with the operation, use, or enjoyment of vehicle operators or other passengers;

  • Knowingly provide any false complaint in any statement, whether in writing or otherwise to Kingston Access Services regarding:

    • The conduct of any Kingston Access Services employee or passenger;

    • Incidents while using Kingston Access Services;

Note: A passenger’s right to specialized transit service does not supersede another person’s right to use this transit free of inappropriate conduct (It is not discriminatory for an entity to implement actions upon a person if that person or a person acting on behalf of a person engages in violent, seriously disruptive, or illegal conduct). 

Depending on the nature of the violation, any person to whom this policy applies may face immediate suspension, refusal of service provision, and/or criminal charges. Where appropriate, the Police may become involved.

D) Investigation Procedures

In the course of investigating any incident, resources utilized by Kingston Access Services may include but are not limited to:

  • Statements from the person being investigated in the course of this policy;

  • Witness statements from Kingston Access Services employees, other passengers, or third parties;

  • Video camera footage, which may include audio, from Kingston Access Services properties;

  • Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) technology;

  • Audio phone recordings;

  • Pictures or recordings provided by employees, other passengers, third parties, or any other person or entity;

  • If applicable, information from Police;

  • If applicable, information regarding any previous incidents, or violations of this policy by the person being investigated;  

The Executive Director or designate will in most instances lead the investigation.  Members of Kingston Access Services Board of Directors may be involved in the investigation. 

Note: Kingston Access Services reserves the right to appoint a third party to assist or lead the investigation of any complaint. 

For potential serious breaches of this policy that may result in a temporary or permanent suspension of services, the Chair (or designate) of Kingston Access Services Board of Directors will appoint a sub-committee to review the investigation results and if necessary implement actions.  Note: Depending on the nature of the violation, customers may face immediate suspension and/or criminal charges.

The passenger may be invited at the discretion of Kingston Access Services to attend the sub-committee meeting.  The passenger may bring with them up to 2 additional people such as a family member to provide support.  The passenger may choose to provide a statement to the sub-committee for up to 10 minutes.  The sub-committee may ask questions of the passenger following the passenger’s statement. 

E) Investigation Results & Actions:

When the investigation confirms a breach of this policy, actions may include:

  • A phone call from the Executive Director or designate to the passenger, or person responsible for the passenger to inform of investigation results.

  • An advisory letter to the passenger, or person responsible for the passenger to inform of the investigation results.

  • Temporary or permanent restriction on bookings (eg. provide service only for legitimate medical trips).

  • A temporary suspension of all specialized transit services.  When a temporary suspension of services is imposed, the passenger will be required to sign a “Return to transit services” agreement prior to being re-instated.

  • A permanent suspension of specialized transit services.

  • A requirement that the passenger provide and travel with an attendant as a condition of providing service Kingston Access Services otherwise had the right to refuse on either a temporary or permanent basis.

Note: In order to provide a safe environment for all transit operators and passengers in Kingston, for serious breaches of this policy Kingston Access Services reserves the right to inform Kingston Transit of the passenger and the nature of the incident. 

F) Appeal Process:

All passengers who are deemed in violation of this policy have the right to appeal to Kingston Access Services Board of Directors.  The individual will have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the letter informing of actions, to file in writing an appeal with Kingston Access Services Board of Directors. The decision of Kingston Access Services Board of Directors will be final. 

NSF Cheque Policy

Kingston Access Bus permits passengers to provide cheques for the purchase of:

  • Books of tickets; or

  • Monthly passes; or

  • Payment of invoices. 

Please note: Cheques are not permitted for individual trips. 

Should a cheque be returned to KAS due to non-sufficient funds, the following procedure shall be followed:

Step 1

The passenger will be sent a letter from the Executive Director informing of the NSF cheque, the amount, and inform them that 30 days for a replacement cheque will be provided.  Passengers will be charged a $20.00 fee for each NSF cheque provided. 

Step 2

The following actions apply to passengers who fail to provide a replacement cheque to Kingston Access Bus within 30 days as per Step 1 OR provide a second NSF cheque within 6 months of being notified at Step 1

  1. The passenger’s registration will be noted “cash only for ticket purchase”.  Drivers will not accept cheques from these passengers for ticket purchase.  This will remain in effect for 1 year from the date of the passenger providing full payment to KAS.

  2. The Passenger will be informed via registered letter that only medical trips bookings will be permitted until full payment is made to Kingston Access Bus.    


  • The Kingston Access Services Board of Directors reserves the right to review each incident on a case-by-case basis and implement further actions including further trip restrictions or  permanent suspension of cheque privileges. 

  • As Kingston Access Bus has a very minimal amount of passengers who pay via cheque, there may be some delay in any cheques received being deposited.  It is the responsibility of passengers to ensure there are sufficient funds when the cheque is deposited. 


As per the Highway Traffic Act, anytime there are seatbelts present they MUST be used.  All passengers must wear a seatbelt during transportation.  

Passengers with "Seatbelt exemptions" from their Healthcare Practitioner are required to:

  • Provide a copy to Kingston Access Services offices so your file can be updated; and

  • Have a copy in their possession at all times when travelling without wearing a seatbelt (note: This is Police requirement).  

The Highway Traffic Act requirement for seatbelts to be used applies to infants and toddlers as well (seatbelt, car seat, or booster seat must be used).  For information on transporting infants/toddlers please click below.​

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